Even though I have my mind set on an overhaul for my computer, I was wondering what the community thought. If you can make it under $625 but still maintain the quality, thank you.
Here's what I'm currently thinking of upgrading to: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/19YNF
I'm willing to admit I am an Nvidia fanboy, mainly due to how awesome PhysX looks.
I need a CPU, AM3+ preferred
Motherboard, AM3+ preferred
SSD, 64 GB preferred
GPU, want it to get 45 FPS on BF3 Ultra at 1080p
Case, ATX Mid Tower preferred
PSU, 80 PLUS + preferred
Windows 7
All parts from Newegg.
It looks pretty good. Do you have ram that will work with your MB? If I were you I would save my clams and try to get a beefier Processor and a newer/ or mightier Graphics Card. Keep in mind that this all based on your needs. If you are fine with having to upgrade sooner than later, if you dont need maximum power for your tasks, if you dont have a problem with lower framerates; then this is for you. If not, I would wait for some more more cash to enter your budget.
If you save for a bit longer you could go with this: http://pcpartpicker.com/p/19ZvP
Alright, that sounds good. The only thing is that I'm playing on 1600x900, not 1080p.