OK, weirdly enough, everything seems to be running fine now. But I had to manually run the cpu at correct speeds. Using cpuz and windows task manager, windows still thinks the base clock is 3.7, but it’s running alot better now. I have it manually set to the original base clock and it’s become alot more stable.
I’m going to try doing a cmos reset when I’m done with my work.
Edit 1: Ok, I’m wondering how in the heck this worked? Resetting the cmos actually worked. I had tried loading defaults on the motherboard, I’ve uninstalled Ryzen Master, everything.
Actually pulling all power from the motherboard, and doing a bios reset via the jumper on the board for cmos reset, actually fixed the problem.
But I’ve actually like loaded defaults on the bios and this problem didn’t fix itself. I’ve changed power plans in windows. And the whole time Windows thought the base clock on this processor was 3.7 Ghz.
Doing a physical cmos reset, actually fixed this and none of those other perameters didn’t?
If anyone else, has insight, or an idea of what the heck happened? I’d be totally intruiged.
Edit 2: Also, figured out what my REAL problem is. My video card kept just shutting down and everything would keep going with no video.
I was getting tired of this. It would do it while watching videos, or playing games this card had played for months without any problems.
But once I forced the fans to stay on, and at 80 percent, it stopped doing it. Apparently this card keeps having a temp spike, and it keeps shutting itself down to ''save itself". Is there any way I can shut this behavior off?