Out of memory boot error on nvme drive

Hello. I woke up to my computer not seeing the boot drive. After reseating it, I can choose it as the boot over ride, but it then says

out of memory
Aborted. Press any key to exit.

Did I use up all the writes on my drive and it is now in read only mode? If so, would this stop it from booting? I imagine it would, but not sure.

Update. With a bootable USB drive I am able to boot the system, and the suspect nvme drive is readable. Currently backing up the data. Will attempt to write to the drive after. There do appear to be some files that won’t copy. But I am not sure what that is about. Luckily none of the data is something I would miss. I have been on the path to 1-2its Most of the data on the drive were flac files I had not yet saved to the nas or burned to discs. Flac files that I have the CDs for.

Update2. The files that won’t copy have the error that there is “no such file or folder”. Maybe the drive has been dying. I am super happy most of my work has been on a Intel DC p3700, and I am nowhere near its endurance limit. The supposed dying drive does allow files to be written to it. So, maybe my hypothesis is wrong.

Update 3. After reinstalling the OS, the drive appears to work. I did learn that Linux mint 19.2 has smartmontools 6.1 and that version cannot read the SMART data from nvme drives. I guess I need to figure out how to install version 7. Anyways a quick back of the envelope calculation says I shouldn’t be anywhere near the write limit for the drive, so that shouldn’t be the problem anyways. Maybe the MBR got corrupted? I have never seen the out of memory error before. And I have broken LOTS of things. I should probably know more than I do due to the breaking of things, but alas…

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