Our First Spammer - Here is his IP Address

So... we had our first spammer on the new site. I killed him so fast. If you want to have some fun, here is his ip:

I will publish the ip's of any spammers... and block their ip. Feel free to digitally murder him. He can be a playground to try terrible things. 

I will never share private info from any of our users... even those who troll. 

However, if you spam the site with ads and nonsense I will abuse the hell out you. All your info will be published. ;)

I'll update the privacy policy soon. 

This is reasonable as fuck. ;)

Lol, I'd do something if I knew how.

I'll be keeping up to date on this!

Logan you are the best amdininstrator/owner on any Forum I have ever been on hahahaa

Epic win. Didn't even notice him.

Spot on.


Nate saw it first... it was the standard "buy these coach bags and nike shoes" nonsense. Drupal is 100x better than WP when dealing with spam but nothing is 100% secure. 

A chinese, what a surprise.

I wonder if I can remotely log in to his pc and really up the voltage on his CPU to fry it

I saw him posting new threads here for Coach Bags and Nike stuff at around 3AM or so. I had no idea what was going on. I'm very sorry for not reporting him when I had the chance. Then again, I wasn't sure if I could report another user. Nice work!

We got us another one... I swear. I am just going to have to block everyone in China.

IT'S THE CHINESE MAFIA!  Nate, your lineage has found you!


unf thats proabably needed

I am the warchief!   

Crush the filthy wretched spammers raahahaar!
