The emulator known as XQEMU is being developed and worked on as we speak. XQEMU is an open source, cross-platform emulator for the original Xbox (and Sega Chihiro). It is currently in very early stages of development. XQEMU is built on-top of QEMU.
It's far from playable, this is on these specs.
CPU - Intel Core i7 3770K @ 4.20 Ghz RAM - 16 GB GPU - MSI GeForce GTX 970 GAMING OS - Windows 10 64bit
All videos are sped up a TONNE... some as far as x8 the original pace!
However this is the furthest XBOX emulation has come thus far... so welcome to XBOX emulation!
Dead or Alive 3
Jet Set Radio Future
Colin McRae Rally 3
Bloody Roar Extreme
It's finally happening but god it needs some resources O.O
I'll finally maybe be able to play Kingdom Under Fire The Crusaders without the game crashing? I've already tried it on 3 original xbox systems. The sequel works, but sadly not the original, I think I need a version 1.6 xbox.
they should really only be working on like 3 games, metal wolf chaos, KuF The crusaders, and Jet Set Radio, I don't think those are available on any other platform, might be a few other exclusives to work on as well