I have decided to build a pc for video editing and gaming. What do you think on the build and do you think I could spend the money better on other components?
Intel i5 4430 (I do not intend to overclock)
Asus H81m Plus Mobo
8/16gb ram (depends on income at the moment)
(For the above I've found a bundle on amazon for just £250 - £290)
Evga Nvidia GTX 660 (£150)
Kingston V300 120gb SSD. (£65)
WD 1Tb Black (£70)
Corsair CXM 600 watt PSU. (£65)
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. (£60-70)
I've bought a Corsair 300R Case ( bit overkill for my build but I just loooove it) and Asus Disc drive already.
Please note this is my first time building a PC so any feedback is appreciated, thanks.
(Video Editing - Programs like After Effects) (Gaming - Current and maybe some next-gen games on high settings without dropping 30fps would be good, would a 660 be good enough?)
(I've got a Benq Gl2450HM Monitor already so don't worry about me needing a monitor haha)
Grab a better video card. You can get a lot more performance with AMD around this price point. I use an Nvidia GPU, I am not being bias.
Grab a better power supply. The CX series SUCKS! Grab a 550W XFX. It is cheaper, and higher quality.
Also, if you're editing, you might consider the 8350, or cheaper 8320. It's probably a little better at editing than a non-overclocked i5. You can keep the i5, if you wish to have an Intel platform.
Here is what I would propose:
8320 + 7950
You can grab an SSD at a later time. I would think about getting more performance out of your GPU and CPU first.
You should almost certainly be using Windows 8. You can mod it to look and feel like Win7. The important difference is that Win8 offers a performance boost, and more up-to-date tech. You might get your OS for free, if you're in some kind of education establishment.
I know that you're probably in the mindset of "Corsair means quality". For the most part, that is true. Top-end Corsair PSUs are really really good. With PSUs, the brand matters very little. It is all about the OEM (Original Electronics Manufacturer). In this case, the OEM of XFX power supplies is Seasonic. The undisputed best, and OEM of Corsair's own AX series (kinda why they are Corsair's best unit). Quality Japanese capacitors. Safe, clean, stable energy. grab the CXM if you need a modular supply. The XFX is a cheaper, though.
The 7950 absolutely wipes the floor with the 660, and many other Nvidia cards. Grab the one I suggested. It overclocks like a c***. Has a 7970 PCB, a 7970 power delivery, overclocks like a 7970. It competes with the 7970 GHz. Very very good aftermarket cooler on that unit.
You can grab 8GB of RAM now. Then grab a further 8GB later. Maybe grab some RAM with low CAS latency. It will be better for editing. You don't need anything higher than 1600 speed.
If I was you I would get an i7 if you want smooth gameplay.Because when I did not overclock my cpu my gameplay would lag and once a overclocked my i7 to a couple of ghz my gameplay were much smoother.
Sorry If you misunderstood but my budget is the sum of the parts listed and I simply couldn't afford, at the moment, an i7 and 780 as much as I would like them haha. I've tried to get the best I can for gaming and video editing at the moment for around £700, I could fit an i7 into the build but then would have to downgrade other components.
You don't need an i7 for smooth gameplay, you need a decent CPU which should be able to fully utilize your GPU. There's no reason to go spending money on an i7 on a rig with this budget. It can be done but then the other parts will have to be sacrificed and it's nowhere near worth it.