OpenCL on kernel 5.8 and renoir

Anybody got opencl running on kernel 5.8 with renoir(ryzen 4500U) that’s not from the pro driver? I got it to run on arch(manjaro) with opencl-amd(basically the opencl portion stripped from the pro driver), but it seems like it takes a lot longer to protein fold then on windows like an extra day kind of longer. I have read the pro driver is crap before, the mesa-opencl-icd packages in ubuntu only provide onpencl 1.1 and F@H needs 1.2+. The rocm(radeon open compute modules) packages uses dkms and only supports kernel 5.4 right now, an 5.4 runs like poop on this machine and not to mention it crashes every time it tries to fold using it. ubuntu 20.10 didn’t want to boot with a downgraded kernel(couldn’t imagine why lol but was worth a shot). I have already spent several days switching from manjaro, to pop 20.10, to ubuntu 20.04, ubuntu 20,10, debian weekly snapshot, back to manjaro(didn’t know about the opencl-amd package before till I found on google a post on the LTT form about getting folding running on arch). So I don’t really want to spend time going about getting rocm running on another distro, should I be looking at fedora? Or is there something im missing in the buntu’s?