Open Source Game Development Resources

This thread will aim to be a sort of sister thread to: A curated list of amazing open source software you may have not heard of
But with a focus on game dev.

Post open source engines, libraries and resources, or good learning materials for game development!

Rules: no restrictive licenses or engines that (tried to) enforce per-user install fees…

Disclaimer: be sure to check specific licensing of engines and frameworks.

NOTE: Sometimes the line can be blurry between engines and frameworks and libraries.


Godot | cross-plat | C#, C++, GDScipt
jMonekeyEngine | cross-plat | Java
o3de | Windows, Linux | C++
Stride Engine | cross-plat | C#, .NET
BEVY | cross-plat | Rust
raylib | cross-plat | C, C++, golang, Python, Rust, ect… | 2D + 3D

Frameworks and Libraries

Collections of libraries to provide some engine-like features but leave implementation and architecture up to the developer.

bgfx | cross-plat | Bring Your Own Engine/Framework" style rendering library.
MonoGame | cross-plat | C# and .Net
OGRE| C++, Python, C#, Java
LWJGL| cross-plat | Java
libGDX | cross-plat | Java, Kotlin
Simple DirectMedia Layer | cross-plat | C, C++, C#, Python | 2D + 3D, Audio, Input, Joystick
PyGame | cross-plat | Python | Sits on top of SDL, core components written in C

stb | cross-plat | C, C++ | Single-file libraries to make your life easier
single_file_libs | cross-plat | C, C++ | A huge collection of single-file libraries for you to use in your projects

Physics Engines

Bullet | C++ | 3D
JoltPhysics | C++ | 3D
Rapier | Rust | 2D + 3D
Torque2D | C++ | 2D
box2d | C++ | 2D
box2c | C | 2D | (soon…)
matter.js | JavaScript | 2D


ImGui | C++

Art: 2D & Pixel

LIBRESPRITE | Cross-plat
Aseprite | Cross-plat

Art: 3D

Blender | Cross-plat

Audio: DAW’s, Music, SFX

Audacity | cross-plat
ARDOUR | cross-plat
LMMS | cross-plat
MusE | Linux

Fonts and Glyphs

dafont | (be sure to double check per-font license)
Controller and Keyboard Prompts / Glyphs | CC0 | UI Images for player inputs

Learning Materials

High quality learning materials for how games work under the hood.

The Book of Shaders | GLSL | Learn the basics of shaders in OpenGL
Game Programming Patterns | Architecture and design patterns

Other reference material

Game UI Database | UI catalog and reference tool for interface designers

This repo is maintained has way more resources:



I think it would be a crime to not include SDL2, which is
pretty much the go-to framework that many games are built on top of.
Simple DirectMedia Layer | cross-plat | C, C++, C#, Python | 2D + 3D, Audio, Input, Joystick


There’s also raylib which is a simplified game framework that you interface with directly in code:
raylib | cross-plat | C, C++, golang, Python, Rust, ect… | 2D + 3D


stb | cross-plat | C, C++ | Single-file libraries to make your life easier
single_file_libs | cross-plat | C, C++ | A huge collection of single-file libraries for you to use in your projects

Thanks for the resource 0xDE57, I think that people need to know that they have more than one option for game developement. :slight_smile:

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Precisely why I created this thread. Thanks for contributing!!!

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I want to start playing with some linux DAW’s soon. Starting with Ardour.

I still mess around in Ableton with some VST’s but that’s one of the last pieces of proprietary software in my chain / stack. Ableton under wine has too much latency for real-time effects when messing with live recording. I really wanted it to run on the steam deck but its unusable. So hopefully a native DAW will resolve that.

Any music makers on Linux please chime in!

Almost forgot Pygame which is uses SDL.

found a much better list:


I’m just going to leave this here :slight_smile:


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