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Yes and no. It’s mainly bad because it’s old and the price hasn’t gone down accordingly.

I almost broke down and bought the new “dream machine pro” because of the better value, but the little guy has been fine for me. It really can’t handle IDS, but I have a thin client OPNsense box running as a transparent filtering bridge that handles those workloads.

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So you just use it for routing and integration into the unifi control panel?

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Dhcp, routing, vlans, basic layer 3-5 firewall. I want it to do dns via dnsmasq but I’ve found that to be unreliable for some reason.

OPNsense does IDS, Spamhaus blacklist and geoip blocking.

I currently have the USG doing smart QOS, but it would be better if OPNsense was doing it. Not actually sure if it’s possible on transparent bridge though.

GitLab is waiting on Package cloud for the .el8 release then they will ship a rpm build for their installer script for CentOS 8.

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That’s cool. I figured a container would be preferable though?

Did they have a package for el7 or is this a new thing they’re doing?

They have a script for el6 and el7.

I have a VM of Ubuntu but I’m slowly migrating everything over to Centos 8.

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Gamers nexus mod mat dishwasher safe confirmed.

light wash, no heat dry, removed immediately after cycle ended


Lol good to know you didn’t bork it up after one use.

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I got flux on it. Figured it could handle some soapy water, so took the risk for science.

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And it was the power brick… anyone have a recommendation on generic ac/dc converters?

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meanwell seems to be pretty good.

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Gonna try a 12v POE splitter, but that’s good to know.

After archiving 10s of thousands of files, I finally started to run into files with backslashes in the names which takes some additional care in the ltfs name sanitization process. Hoping that’s the last edge case for this stupid script.


Massive office improvements over the past month or so. I cannot express how much of a luxury this is in NYC.



Today’s cron script inspired by FreeNAS’s daily reports:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# emails any dmesg output from the previous day
# does not send blank emails

set -euo pipefail

declare MESSAGE="$(
  dmesg -T | 
    egrep "^\[$(date --date="yesterday" '+%a %b %d') ([0-9]{2}:){2}[0-9]{2} $(date --date="yesterday" '+%Y')\]"

[ ! -z "${MESSAGE:-}" ] &&
printf "%s\n"                              \
  "Subject: $(hostname -f) - Daily Report" \
  "${MESSAGE}"                             |
  sendmail -F "dmesg" root                    || :

exit 0
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Nothing like de-soldering till 3am after an 11 hour day at work…


Do you know whether variable assignments from a subshell need quotes around them like that in bash? Or is it just a force of habit/convention?

declare MESSAGE="$(
declare MESSAGE=$(

I see a lot of people doing that but I don’t think it’s necessary in posix shell iirc. Not as familiar with bash though.

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I think it’s unnecessary, but I’m not sure if there’s any edge case where a control character or multiline result would cause problems. I tend to quote pretty much everything just as a best practice for myself, but I wouldn’t say you or anyone else should do that if you don’t want to.

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It’s something I’m on the fence about, usually depending on which way my editor’s syntax highlighting is broken.

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