As the title says i'm trying to make 2 routers work in my house because i would like to use the build i bought with this forum's advice. My problem is the router needs to be in the living room and the wi-fi won't reach my bedroom.
My room has that little phone cable and no ethernet one so i tried to use a old router i had there but to no effect.
Do you guys think it is possible to do what i have in mind? Maybe by buying a new router ou properly configuring the one i have there?
You have to see if the router has a wifi bridge mode. If it doesn't have you can try to use dd-wrt firmware on the old router , there must be a option there. Hassle free buy a dlink powerline and forget to use 2 routers. You will have only 1 ethernet port, but you will able to put it everywhere. Just in case you will need 2 adapters : newegglink .
If you want to go wifi you will need a range extender : newegglink is really easy to setup .
Yes.In the box theres 2 devices and 2 ethernet cables, 1st one goes to your router and plugged to the power outlet, the second one in power outlet in your bedroom and hard wired to the machine that needs internet. youtube link : youtube
Theres other solutions, but this is the easiest one if you dont mind the cable in your bedroom.