TekSyndicate Steam Groups
Official TekSyndicate Steam Group
Official RazeTheWorld Steam Group
To open in Steam click HERE.
To add me as a friend on Steam click HERE.
I'm on Steam 24/7, you can always reach me there, it's the quickest way.Also, if you have not yet done so, there is a TekSyndicate profile field for your Steam profile, go update it!
Edit: Just go ahead and post your community url below, I'll do the rest...
Edit 2: I will get to your post within a few days, it just takes a little while to script the links.
EDIT 3: This is not the OP but I have made amendments to the title, so now you may post your Steam AND your Origin profile here. If you need to add any another gaming platform, just ask in this thread and I'll try to approve it.