
So since a while back I found an OBS version on the Arch repository (AUR).

It was awesome, had a lot of features that went right in and worked nicely with my usage. I wish that I hadn’t installed Manjaro, and now I’m too lazy to switch to Arch. I would like to know if there Is a way to install it, because all my settings are using that version of OBS.

When I try to install it I get two warnings.



If I instal the flatpack version, the application works, but all the browser parts doesn’t, and that’s even if I install the browser plugin. WHICH I DON’T GET IT WHY IT’S NOT IN THE OFFICIAL LINUX RELEASE?! WHY?!.

Anyway. This version worked up to a couple of month’s ago, and then it wouldn’t update properly, so I had to uninstall it, and I just gave in to not streaming for a while, but people have been asking me when I’m going to be on again, so I should fix it asap.

I know it says it needs qt5-wayland.