Okay I a working as a tech at a church and we are trying to live stream and record our services with obs. I have set them up with a custom build. It has a r3 apu in it, 8GB or ram, and records on to a sata based ssd. The OS is Windows 10. We are streaming at 1mbs (this is the best we can do with our upload speed), and recording at 10mbs. We encode the live stream off the GPU in the r3, and record off the cpu. So when we try to do both obs says we have low fps (like around 10), but doesn’t report dropped frames. Obs says we are 70-90%, but task manager says it is around 15%. Also I can’t find any other bottle necks. GPU usage, ram, and disk usage all report being pretty low in task manager.
Seems like most people reporting this issue are on AMD CPUs. I have the same issue with a 1700x at 3.9ghz and a 1080ti. stream stutters like crazy, it’s unwatchable.
Hmmmm, I wonder if the CPU just isn’t up to the task on its own. Maybe a cheap GPU could be slotted in to dedicate to the recording side of things, while the CPU handles streaming?
But I would also need to see your OBS recording settings just to be sure.
Wish I had the hardware to test this on my own.
Oh yes I forgot I made this post. So someone (probably me) set it to mp4 encoding at one point. Changing back to flv to see what happens. I don’t have this problem on my 1700, but I se linux so things are a bit different.
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