Unofficial. Thread to allow discussions about the newest Level1 video.
Only a stand in until the L1T team do an official one…
Unofficial. Thread to allow discussions about the newest Level1 video.
Only a stand in until the L1T team do an official one…
Question 1: for what?
More of a curiosity really, but:
Question 2: how are the VRM thermals doing considering the literal heat trap that Is the white cover over the entire board?
Question 3: there are complaints about some intel boards blasting the CPU with way too high voltages resulting in massive heat production. Is there any similar issues with this board?
Question 4: what are the troubleshooting features if there are any? I think there is no postcode, but are there dual bios chips or LEDs or anything?
Thank you
there are basic diag leds giving you some idea of where the fault is (ram cpu etc).
the thermals arent bad, part of why I mentiont he scythe, the downdraft cooling really does a lot.
as long as the case has airflow, its basically okay
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