NVME U.2 plugged into SAS backplane and now the drive gives errors

To All,

I have a WD SN200 7.68tb NVME U.2 drive that was working without issue, until I plugged it into a Dell R740XD. The backplane was supposed to be all NMVE, but found out that it is split between SAS and NVME. I plugged the drive into an SAS slot and it started flashing and gave errors. I pulled it out and tried it in the original system I had it in and it is seen in BIOS, but Truenas, Windows and Unraid are not able to find the drive.

I am wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if there is a possible fix?

NVMe and SAS run on different voltages. There’s a very real possibility you’ve destroyed an important part of the U.2 drive so it fails to communicate. There’s no fix, unless you’re proficient with a soldering iron (or similar) and have some spare chips of the right kind at hand. Failing that, that U.2 drive is probably a write-off.

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