Nvidia Shield Tablet K1- 1 trick pony?


looking for my first tablet and the Nvidia K1 appeals to me as I like games as much as the next guy but is it just for games. Would it be good for watching HD movies, netflex and youtube aswell as games. Also at uni would it work to read/ make notes on?

Many Thanks,

i know of a k1 dev board being used as a controller for railroads safety inspection equipment(beta testing use but still).

The K1 is pretty well rounded device really. I mean its got a solid quad core processor, so its not like its going to have an problems with lag. Its running Android 5.1.1, which is pretty up to date. The screen is 1080p, and its got dual front facing speakers so the media experience should be pretty good.

I would just get a windows tablet like this. After my bad experience with android just can't recommend it. http://www.banggood.com/Chuwi-Hi10-64GB-Cherry-Trail-Z8300-Quad-Core-1_84-GHz-10_1-Inch-Window10-Tablet-p-1004298.html?p=QZ14021624945201505Y

Do you know of any other good windows tablets! Is Chuwi a reputable brand?