Nvidia Shield k1 Questions


I have been looking at tablets for the past couple of days and in my research have come across the Nvidia Shield K1.

I am at university but am lacking the room to bring my pc/console and TV but am still looking for something to play games on, watch netflix and youtube.

Would the shield be a good choice and what exactly can I do with it if I pick up the controller.

Also,a quick google of Nvida shield X1 gives a load of rumours and a potential specs list

How likely is this and would it be wise to wait?

Many Thanks

Following so here is a bump.

When you say "Play Games" what exactly do you mean? your PC games? or some mobile games and maybe some emulators.

cause there are many alternatives that carry Nvidia based SoCs that are just fine for that, that exist already.

Yeah, the Shield K1 is a solid option. A friend of mine just bought one and loves it. 8 inches is a great size when it comes to tablets and the performance is stellar. However, what I would recommend more, is getting the Nvidia Shield TV (same price, if not a bit cheaper with the deals) then spending perhaps £100/$100 (not sure if you're UK or US) on a monitor/TV (maybe 22 inches would be ideal). I've just got the Sheild TV and it is excellent. I managed to get Half-life 2 for a couple of pounds on it and I saw that borderlands was coming to it soon the other day.

I am in my final year at uni and in first year I lived in a cell - see here http://www.studybed.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/Nottingham-trent-halls-before-StudyBed-1-678x453.jpg

Anyways, if I was in that position now, that's exactly what I'd do. You'll be happy you did when you're lying in bed, enjoying the luxury of having a screen in the corner of your room.

All three I have also have a gtx 980 ti, does my pc have to be next to me to be able to use the GeForce features?

I use my pc when I am home but want something to play games, watch stuff at uni both on steam but also try out some android games.

from what I've seen, not anymore. all you need to do is be on Wi-Fi. though your PC must be on at all times so you can use the streaming features.

which is more powerful the K1 or the TV Shield ? Also couldn’t you just MHL HDMi into a cheap monitor from the K1 mobiile and then you have the benefit of both.

The Shield TV for sure - the Tegra X1 is as much as twice as powerful as the K1 (which is in the tablet). It also has an extra 1gb of RAM so there's that too.

They're ultimately very different devices though, and there are a lot more apps optimised for the tablet. If you like playing apps often, and use it for browsing the internet then the tablet might be better. But if you're looking at using it on a screen, using gamestream, and watching content especially, (netflix, youtube) etc, then I think the shield TV is going to be better. It really is an awesome bit of kit. I've had mine set up in the living room whilst i've been at home and it's ridiculously convenient. Netflix and Youtube both work RIDICULOUSLY FAST and i've also been using the free Plex app to stream stuff from my laptop. It also plays the majority of files a throw at it on a USB stick.

I downloaded portal and half-life 2 the other day but haven't got round to playing them yet, but with the controller compatibility I definitely feel that it's something that I can sink my teeth into. There is also a lot of fully fledged games such as Borderlands coming to it and I'm pretty sure that graphically it sits somewhere around the PS3 (although this is only based on Shield TV vs. PS4 videos on Youtube).

