Nvidia Publishing Supporting Documentation to Open Source Devs

Yeah, my personal contributions are motivated by profit.

Hell, look at gnif. He’s making bank off of fixing amds fuckups.

Omg… seriously. You all need to step back and take a deep breath because you are all part of this problem. I’m out of here.

It’s neither benevolent nor evil, I didn’t think you were implying either. It just is what it is, profit, which all people strive for.

I can understand from your perspective why it seemed to get really stupid really fast from both sides. You’re still relatively new (hell some might even say I’m relatively new) but this kind of reaction has been going on for a while. Its a tired argument that gets hashed all the time.


It always boils down to a few bad eggs as @AnotherDev pointed out and if we seem to be taking it a bit too personally its because we are tired of sitting on it and just watching it devolve into nonsense.

Its not the idea that nvidia sucks that I cant get behind. Its the people who cannot seem to ever shut the fuck up about it and then continuously shit on anyone else that has anything positive to say about a particular company or brand.


Rinse Repeat until completely demotivated to even be on this forum… in fact you are ALREADY experiencing it and how long have you been here?


This has been a problem long before us and will likely continue long after us. Hopefully not on here though.

We need to stop this man


If you see him, call him out on his shenanigans.


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It was a false analogy fallacy. No name calling. Dont try to defend what he said because its flat out wrong.

slavery is in no way comparable to proprietary software. period.

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Cute. Keep blaming your own problems on the corporations of the world and software companies that are building high end computer components.

Maybe instead of labeling people as hostages or implying that a user of

fucking computer hardware

has Stockholm syndrome, focus on the topic at hand and ask yourself what you can contribute.

From another thread, referring to the absolute retardation of some of these comments (yours included):

Can you imagine? Somehow, they end up at a Ted Talk or something about someone that survived a terrible event in their life. At the end of the talk, the person waits around, shaking hands, meeting people they’ve inspired, doing book signings, etc. The FOSS’tard approaches and tells this person “Yeah, I completely get it. I know what you went through. I had to use Nvidia at my last data science job.”


I think the problem here is you believe that yours and wertigons stance is one that is logical and valid in the first place. To everyone else, including the people who agree with proprietary software being bad, its complete nonsense.

I was once a great data scientist in my homeland. But one day, I was dragged from my home, against my will, and chained up in the hull of boat. Many of my co-workers were taken as well.

It was a long journey across the Atlantic, and many of us died during the trip. Many us were whipped and beaten with proprietary whips and chains.

When we arrived to our final destination, we were sold to the highest bidder. Our new corporate overlords were cruel and unusual, and punishments were excruciating. We were forced to crunch numbers with expensive Nvidia cards…

I cant think of a single way in which what you guys suggested is a valid argument for me to argue against in the first place.


Sorry, but proprietary software is really not good in any way shape or form for the user. At least not long term. This has been painfully obvious for years and continue to get worse and worse. Arguing proprietary software has merits is like arguing smoking has merits.

I have reached this conclusion after more than 20 years in the field, and I do agree it is an extreme opinion. If you want to know more I could write up an essay about it, but now is not the time for that.

As for harping on MS, nVidia and Intel… These companies have a history of abusive behavior, and this is a fact. Forgive my strong language here, but if a wife beater treats his wife to cake, does that make him or her less of a wife beater?

I will give these companies the benefit of the doubt, and if they want to turn a new leaf the way IBM did (sort of), then yay. But you are not going to snap your magic fingers and make me forget those years of abuse.

Back on topic, this particular move seems more like a PR stunt, but it could also be the beginning of something good. I hope for nVidias sake it is the latter, but expect it to be the former.

People said AMD Drivers for Linux were a PR stunt like 10 years ago…

While in reality is was that the AMD/ATI Radeon division basically ran out of money so open sourcing was the only way for them to afford developing for Linux.

But complaining when someone is doing what is you want is silly.

It’s melted sand dude. I guess cancel culture is a thing with IT. It’s getting old

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But that is the thing. They aren’t doing what we need.

We are asking for a car and we get a snowboard. While a snowboard is nice and all we need that car!

Hopefully it is, but you do not erase decades of abuse and distrust overnight, trust has to be earned back. So I will wait and see.

Ok, i really don’t want to get into the proprietary vs. open-source debate here.

On topic: Recently, there have been more and more moves from large, historically closed and proprietary focused, companies to open up. Especially MS is starting to work on projects more in the open. I find it really nice to be able to track the progress of the new terminal on github, read and report bugs and even pull the code and look at how they do stuff.
Nvidia making ANY step in opening stuff up is a good thing. And rather than argue about details we should all encourage that. Being positive about such little things will show those companies, that it is the right thing to do and will encourage them to go further.

Whining at every step that “but it isn’t 100% open source now”, is not helping. It’s a long way from one end of the spectrum to the other. We should be glad for every step taken and encourage said behavior. And some time later, we’ll have a decent Open-Source driver for Nvidia and the Code for Windows 10 is on Github with a Linux Kernel running it. That’s not today, but we need to make sure those companies get, that we appreciate any effort at all.


I’m very interested in that. I’m not sure you’ll change my mind, but I would like to know how you wound up with that opinion. (for the record, I prefer open source, but will use proprietary of nothing else will suffice)

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Exactly this. Instead of giving flack for open sourcing things, be it big or small, being positive about it surely encourages companies to contributing OSS projects in the future.

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You have to stop this. No one is being physically abused. This is another false analogy fallacy. You cannot compare the two in any way.

I get that your view is one of extreme distaste for these companies and their habits, but stick to logical arguments backed up with evidence and not analogies.

AMD is guilty of being shitty too but it’s been a decade. Let’s not forget their cards and CPUs also run on proprietary binaries. They are not fully open source.

The bottom line is none of these companies care about you as an individual or as a customer. They only care about the shareholder and the profits.

Free software is neat but in the real world where people need to make a living, proprietary often does the job better. Admittedly there are plenty of instances where free software makes sense. In my mind the most effective setup is to use both. It’s a best of both worlds. I use windows where proprietary makes sense. I use Linux where I can. Hell I even run bsd at home in the form of freenas. Every tool has its own specific purpose for me.


Which is why I am not their customer (if open alternatives are available). Simple as that. Vote with your wallet according to your principles.

Using open alternatives for AMD, Intel, Nvidia still make you an AMD, Intel, and Nvidia customer.

Seek help.

??? So if I choose to use, say, Samsung based RISC-V CPUs over Intel I’m still an Intel customer? Ok.

What is so strange about not trusting an entity that has proven to you it cannot be trusted? What in this concept is foreign to you?

Using alternatives for INTEL, AMD, and NVIDIA

is what I said, I believe. Wait, let me check… Yup, that’s what I said. Never did I mention Samsung.

Thanks for playing, though.

That you have the fucking balls to associate yourself with someone in a mentally or physically abusive relationship or forced against their will into uncompensated labor.

None of its foreign. I dont inherently trust any company. I just dont liken it to abuse.

Is a worse offender than intel and nvidia on anti competitive crap.