Nvidia lied to the consumer

quote Eroticus"


made me chuckle

Well yeah dude you can put a 970 and 980 side by side in kombustor to come to the conclusion the vram speed is nearly identical.

Some games in 1440p the card struggles and it gets rekt at 4k resolutions with max settings. Can't really expect your $300 to stretch that far do you?

The 970 is prone to VRAM stutter at high resolution because it has 500 mb of donkey speed memory.

Nvidia proved jack shit when they launched their benchmarks without minimum fps that spot the stutter.

But a lot of people have bought this card to play at resolutions above 1080p. They will all experience shitty performance. If Nvidia doesn't issue a recall then they could at least disable the last 500mb with a driver or bios update and offer people some free shit to pacify them.

Yes I can expect that especially considering the R9 290X is cheaper than a 970 and does better at 1440p and 4K. 

Nope the MC's all work. They took out one L2 what ever one does not function. With Maxwell what they did is they have every two L2 Cache and every MC tired to a ram chip. From what I understand the two L2 in a module can access both MC's. So in binning process if a L2 does not work the left over L2 access the MC of the disabled one at a lower bandwidth.  

If its a mix up or not does not matter. That is the message they left the house with. So yes its a lie. For everyone the bought a 970 under this false clam I think Nvidia should offer a free game or something. 

Ya I don't agree with his analogy too. I think if your a corporation that large you should be a 100% sure the information you putting out there is true. In this case it is a lie and false advertising. Regardless if it was intentional or not.

I think a lot of people will try to spin this in a positive light by saying its a grey situation. I really disagree. You ether did your job right or wrong. And if you did it wrong fess up and admit it. And take responsibility for it.

However I doubt that most of the people at PC per are Nvidia fan boys as I have heard them talk about how  stupid the titan z is. And they where a AMD only site before they moved on to cover everything.

Maybe he was venting a bit do to all the hate all over the place. It is true that when things like this happen that people just start screaming at everyone.   


I would never judge the people who bought a 970, that's the exact opposite of what I'm trying to do. People who defend this and/or try to shut up the ones complaining should be clobbered around the head, that's all. I could go on a tangent here about victim-shaming and whatnot, but I hope you get the idea. The ones who got burned by the lies about the 970s didn't do anything wrong, there was no way any of us could have known this.

The guy has bought two 970s and had to justify his shitty purchase.

I'm less biased on this matter since i didn't speed 600 bucks on two 3.5 GB cards.

I think defending nvidia at this point is saying you like to get slapped around by big corporations , defending nvidia is supporting false advertisement , false claims and bankrupt morality.


Who Ryan?

Still can't wrap my head around this how the hell does nvidia instpector says 64 and they say other wise ?


I am not replying to anyone in particular.

Wow this took off in a serious way. Damn.

I read the anandtech article on the matter and what I can get her from it is this. Nvidia marketing team

NVIDIA’s technical marketing team (a group no less than extensively knowledgeable about GPUs)

Simply did not do their job. Following this NOT A SINGLE PERSON AT NVIDIA checked the marketing departments advertising. The information that gets passed on to all news and website. THE PUBLIC FACE OF THE COMPANY. And nobody checked up on them.

And this was allowed for 4 months while nvidia just hoovered up money based on "a mistake". 

So not only do they blatently lie to not only the consumer but also ALL THEIR PARTNERS. They also do not talk to each other within the company.


... ... sigh


What sort of fucking clown show are they running?

It is certainly not a globally respected business, at least not anymore.


That aside if they had come with the truth from the beginning and had laid out the capabilities of the 970 at the time of sale it would still be a good buy. Although maybe not as good as it seemed at the time.

For this there is no going back. They fucked up big. It will take some serious humbling to even begin to fix this, but I am not an nvidia user to start with. So I will be even more skeptical and suspicious of everything they release from now on.

I do believe in light of the recently unearthed facts that their should be some recourse for 970 owners. Although not as much as I had once believed when I suspected this was a hardware flaw. Something useful (not Ubisoft games) to the value of $50 would be acceptable.

Though this will not fix the damage done, it would go some way to restoring confidence, though not faith, in them in the short term.


The 1000 series or whatever stupid name they come.up with next will have to be very special, and very clear cut and honest on its exact capabilities.

Classic attack and defence,

Defender (nvidia faithful in damage control mode) will limit the greviance to being trivial.

Attacker (gleeful amd peoples or anyone with a grudge...) will make the greviance as big as stonkingly possible.

Realize this for what it is and pick a side :D

... or not, personally I don't have an issue with this, i have experience  with a mates 970 and it is a trooper at 1080p and 1440p

You know if I was running a multi million dollar company I might be sure to make sure everybody was on the same page lol. This "miscommunication" excuse is nothing more than that and a way for nvidia to make it seem like a honest mistake. Nvidia knew all about it, didn't care and launched the card anyway. Its like buying a Ferrari that's suppose to have 500 horse and finding out its only 400. Its not a huge difference but your definably getting less that what you paid for. Like I have posted before the 900 series is defiantly one that should be skipped. The only way your going to hurt nvidia is by not buying their products. I'm sure this circus is going to sting for nvidia, but im sure at the end of the day they will still sell boatloads of cards and make millions of dollars because a lot of people don't know any better. We as the people who know better need to spread the word.

Now, what should I get instead of Nvidia?

You can edit the bios and make it say whatever you want?

then it was nvidia not me , and that tells me something about them and who ever recommended this card 

I  hear matrox and 3dfx make good cards :)

Well ya I would say that is intentional. How ever was recommending the card if they don't work for Nvidia I would not blame them. Going on same info we all had