I was wondering what your thoughts are on the Jetson TK1.

No. NVIDIA and linux simply don't go together. Spend your money elsewhere.

Looks like a super Android base if you ask me. Exactly what I have been thinking about for months. But for an actual PC running a desktop? No. I am sure it will work and reviewers will come out with benchmarks that defy belief and some how match current mid range gaming PCs but it will all be bull.

If you want an ultimate OUYA? This could be it, just have to get the Droid boffins cracking on it. 

Underneath it is their new ARM processor the K1 which will be turning up in phones and tablets some time towards the end of the year. 4 A15 cores with a  5th sleeper core and 192 Cuda cores to screw around with. Max clock of 2.3ghz but I am sure this being exposed you can slap some cooling on it for more. good for 8GB of RAM. 

So I would be interested to see some Android stuff on it but being an enthusiast board with what should be a super ARM processor and decent graphics capabilities, nVidia have no doubt sealed off, hard coded limits and deactivated cores/features. Great in concept but reality bites. 

I have done some coding in CUDA and I think the development board looks really interesting. I would really like to see a chip like the one on this board integrated into a hard-drive so I could have my hard-drive compress files I don't access lots when it starts to get full, or transcode video or audio files, or just so you could build a database style file system and speed up file searches and other stuff.