Nvidia embraces competition in it's very own way

The GPP is most likely far more nastier then a marketing program and “business as usual.”


Compared to what? I’ve seen similar things, it is a very common thing.

Why does it have to be “compared” to anything?

It doesn’t. Still it is just a bargain between businesses. It is not illegal in any way, nor will it ever be. I haven’t seen any concrete examples of any real consumer unfriendly stuff beyond “the name on the box is different”. Who cares.

Spoken like someone who has never spent years building a brand name.


Still Asus have signed the deal, apparently. You get to buy the ARES Strix etc if you want a Radeon. And?

Right… which I have no clue what that is. I DO know what ROG is though. Get it?

Why do you care about overpriced wankery? You DO understand that marketing is there to make you do purchases based on your feelings and not logic, right?

You do know that the NAME of a product that has been built over years of marketing actually does matter right? It has nothing to do with feelings. It’s fucking amazing the mental gymnastics on an obvious consumer fuckjob.

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Damn shame this is coming to fruition. I had hoped there was an alternative or newer products emerging.

@noenken :

You were right, I was wrong.

You’re smart, I’m stupid.

You’re very good looking. I’m … Not very attractive…

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God, I fucking hate Nvidia!

I will attempt to refrain from regurgitating what’s already been said, but something else I noticed…

This is basically a tax on those companies because they have to develop entirely new branding for an AMD gaming line and manufacture new branded components, packaging, and marketing materials for the new brand, whereas before, everything was under the same name. This essentially doubles the cost of doing business for them (and judging from the response of the component manufacturers, less costly than telling Nvidia to fuck off) and whose to say what they come up with will be better than their original brands (or worse). From that picture of the Arez brand though, it seems like worse. That branding doesn’t have half the effort ROG had put in it. From a design perspective, I have a fond appreciation of the ROG brand. I’m not stupid enough to be swayed by such things, but marketing is not something you want to half-ass (or less). Anyway, I hope this bites Nvidia in the ass.

To capture lightning in a bottle twice is almost impossible. (See Force Awakens and Last Jedi for evidence that it is impossible.)

Actually, it is illegal in various places if leaked parts of the contract are indeed true.

Interesting rumor that someone is spreading, that Kyle Bennett was paid to break the story:

Dammit, what movie was that?

I wish I were wrong on this but when it comes to Nvidia it is always good practice to assume the absolute worst.

Huh, let the mud flinging begin.

I’ll add it, thanks. :+1:

Not very likely that there is actually something illegal going in. If there were, somebody would take them to court no doubt. I know plenty of people want the wild rumors to be true, but that is feelings talking and not fact.

Probably just as likely that Kyle was paid to break the story. Maybe the last Captain Hook special? Why he was fired from AMD? Just as substantial.

I really admire how you present opinions as facts. I am however sad that you learned that logic like “given that nobody has sued yet, there is nothing illegal going on” actually flies.


Where are the fact that there has been something illegal going on? Show me the evidence that isn’t just rumors and hearsay. At this point it is only “somebody sad stuff off the record!”. No evidence, not one bit. Just like the rumor that Kyle would have been paid off in some way.

It is just opinion at this point. It might be a sucky practice, nothing concrete that there is anything illegal going on.

Technically nothing official has come to light. That I’ll give you, but if Nvidia had nothing to hide they would have dismissed all the accusations by saying hey look at us we’re actually doing something awesome and giving more transparency now.

Instead all Nvidia has done is issue bland, canned press releases. Nvidia is pretty freaking good at marketing, if it wasn’t that bad surely they would be able to put a good spin on it.

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I think you are not looking for evidence but for a confession. And you are correct, so far Nvidia is keeping it shut. So you are probably asking for the impossible.

Asus moving all Radeon stuff from ROG to AREZ, MSI phasing out the GamingX brand for AMD cards, Äüörys becoming plain Gigabyte stuff if it isn’t Nvidia, all of that happening at the same time… And those things are not rumors, that is happening and you can watch it happen.

So, can I point at the fire? No.
But don’t say there is no smoke just because you are looking the other way.

I have gathered most of the sources on the topic in the first post.
If you have information that suggests the GPP is not what I think it is, please post it here.
Otherwise you are just repeating your opinion without being a valuable part of this thread.


In addition, if Kyle didn’t have actual proof, he wouldn’t have dared write about it, because NVIdia would sue him into oblivion. The fact that they don’t appear the least bit interested in going for a defamation lawsuit tells you all that you need (wrt his specific claims about rebates, early access & “assistance”, supply tiering, advertising budget).