Nut milk and granola?

Hi all, there are more and more people who choose to eat healthy today. And nuts and granola seem to be on trend these days for being nutritious and convenient. Do you think we should buy the packed ones or make the homemade ones by ourselves? In case you pick the second opt, I’d be so grateful if you give me the recipes and tips to make them :smiley:

You can make nut milk basically the same way you make cow’s milk: Grind them up with some water and squeeze out the juice. No need to measure anything.

What specifically are you trying to accomplish and how are you evaluating the effects?

“Healthy” just means people buying shit because they heard it has “goodness”. It’s term that should alert you to a cargo cult mentality. Same thing with “superfoods” and “antioxidants”.

FYI nuts are high in PUFA, phytates and phytoestrogens. They are probably fine as a minor part of diet, but don’t just start pounding them down because they are healthy. Mammals eat tons of PUFA when they want to slow down their metabolism and enter torpor or full hibernation. This will happen to you as well.

Nut milk and granola are generally stuffed with added sugar. Also beware the various added emulsifiers and thickeners like carrageenan.

So to reiterate, what issues are you having, what is the proposed food supposed to accomplish, and how will you confirm that effect?

Nut milks are a great alternative for people like us who have a lactose intolerance or milk protein allergy.

To go off of what @Log said, be sure to soak your desired nuts in water for at least 6 hours (ideally 24 hours), to sprout them. This causes a lot of those compounds to leach out into the soaking liquid for you to discard.

Also make sure you use the freshest/raw versions you can find. Already roasted nuts is possible but the fatty acid profiles are altered from the roasting process.

I am a big advocate for making your own nut milk and granola at home. Not only will it taste better it will be far cheaper to make than to buy. The whole point of wanting to eat healthier is to stop the consumption of processed foods and preservatives (to a point). It’s also very fun!

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I’m not entirely sure that is how milk is made from cows…

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You would be shocked if you knew the truth.


What i like to do is to add slivered almonds and raw shelled pumpkin seeds to grapenuts or similar 0% sugar high fiber cereal or granola. with fruit and yogurt sans any milk, or with 0% added sugar almond milk.

Id say limiting any sugar to the yogurt/milk and whats natural in the fruit and nuts is best

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