Hello, I have finally managed to switch to Ubuntu fully. I started with my laptop only and had a pretty good experience and just used my laptop to work on different problems when i had the time. It was so good that I decided to bring my desktop over. After having some issues with the drivers on 22.04 and upgrading to 23.04 I have a good chunk of the kinks worked out. This one was unforeseen as I was only using the NVME in my laptop. I have 2, 4TB hard drives with another 500gb SSD that are NTFS and the bootdrive which is a 500gb NVME. Now, Steam works great when the games are on the NVME but any of the other drives it won’t even open the game. No, I can’t format the drives as the total across all 3 drives free is about 2TBs and I need the information on the drives. So is there anyway to get steam working with these drives. I can download games to it but they just don’t launch. Any help is appreciated thank you!
Hi! Did you get this to work? I have the same issue, well almost…
When i first installed steam on my ubuntu-server with installed minimal desktop the games on my windows ntfs drives worked perfectly, but then it just stopped and nothing has started since. It is so annoying that it actually worked and then stopped. I have tried to edit fstab with many different choices. Tried the drives without mounting them at boot. I have tried flatpak, snap and now with the steam installer from steam. I did have a small improvment that i installed proton and libraries on the ubuntu disk (i moved them previously as i was running out of space on home). I installed a couple of games on ubuntu drive and they started up. So i thought my issue was over but heck no, even if i uninstall a game and reinstall them on the ntfs m.2 drive they dont start. Before when i game started up for the first time the dirextX and windows drivers and so on was configured and downloaded but not any more on the ntfs drive. I have tried everything now and are at my roads end.
It would be great if you actually found something!!!
It was the fstab issue and i found the way that worked with some help on the steam forum with a link: Using a NTFS disk with Linux and Windows · ValveSoftware/Proton Wiki · GitHub
This is the fstab line i ended up with:
UUID=00100101010 /media/gamedisk1 ntfs nofail,uid=1000,gid=1000,rw,user,exec,umask=000 0 0
I just put in a number for the gamedisk to differentiate my three disks as i have three ones…I guess that it is ok to use any name here.
I usually add nofail so the computer boots if the disk is missing or broken, it is very annoying when the computer refuses to boot up…
The UUID number is not the one i have and just punched in some numbers here and it is necessary to find the correct one. My way of finding ways of adding a disk is to use disks application in ubuntu that list the disks. Under boot options there you can see different ways of adding the disk in fstab. On my other disks i use /dev/disk/by-partuuid/29292-d9d9fj-29292-000 instead as i happened to get the same uuid on two disks and i havent changed it.
So here was my 5 cents to this dual boot issue and it is great to be able to use the same disk for steam in both windows and ubuntu! Finally on my way to scrub windows out of my homelife. Just a few games that is stuck on windows but hopefully they will start to work soon too!!!