Note taking on Linux what apps, funtionality, features matter?

In conjunction with my previous post:

I’m embarking on an endeavor to chronicle things I’ve learned over the years, but my level of organization is all over the place. A Windows friend suggested I start taking notes and using an app like OneNote to do this.

I was thinking of using LibreOffice Writer prior to this conversation, but there seems to be a fair advantage to using a tool specific for what I would need for this task.

I will be laying out the lesson for the video, rules, syntax, usecase, real world application, quick examples and more. So does anyone know of a good Linux Note taking app to use for content creation and can aid in the features I need?

Well, as in the other post it depends what exactly you want to do with it…

I mean technically even [insert literally any plain text application here] would suffice for this. So basically you’re looking for an application with feature X, where you don’t know what X is yet.

That aside, if we’re going to assume you might publish your writings as well, you might look into something that supports Markdown, so you can post it easily on any forum without having to do formatting - because you already have it.

For that, maybe a code editor like Atom, VisualStudio Code, even Brackets could be nice. They probably all have some kind of extension where you see the Markdown rendered alongside what you’re typing, which should help greatly.

Of course Markdown has its limits, but there we are again with “what do you need”. If you want to do just texts and lists this is fine, if you want something like a mindmap then I’m out, cause I never used that.

OneNote can do a lot, but frankly I only type stuff and use the check-box lists occasionally. Needs differ though.

One additional pro of Markdown: There are a ton of Android apps (e.g. Markor) you could use for writing down ideas on the go, and sync your markdown directories so both are always up to date.

From your other post it seems you want the “perfect” tool from the get go, and I get that for the editing part, because working your way into the flow of an application takes time, but honestly for something like notes… don’t make your life complicated. Get started, and when you’re at the point of “I would like to have X”, you can look for a tool that does X as you want it.

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Or host a wiki

Or emacs org-mode

I guess it depends what you need and how much work you want to put into it


Big Plus, actually a must have now that I think about it.

Absolutely. because of time constraints I do need something that works from the jump. But flexible enough to have my personal flow and ease to post a roundup of the video to a forum. So I will definitely have 2 sets of files.

Yeah, I have a friend who simply suggested to use Vim/Emacs with some plugins etc. I’ll look into Notion as well.

You’ll probably find that org-mode has a learning curve if you’ve not used it but on the plus side everything is a text file (downside is that org-mode isnt markdown so while its far superior its not well supported anywhere except org mode… but, you can export into other formats if i remember)

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I use… Google Keep in a browser… it works fine, aside from the occasional paranoia of losing that account (happened to me before, it’s no joke, you lose everything Google related).

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Yeah, I have it, but the non hierarchical structure might get in my way for when notes + examples + script (for video)

Mind mapping tools might be a good option too. I personally use FreePlane to organize structured data I need to be able to have a quick overview of.

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I believe nextcloud has something for this purpose but I actually just set up dokuwiki for myself on my domain so I can make my own documentation from anywhere.

It’s a little cumbersome I suppose because you have to log in and click and edit a page just to start taking notes, but it has some cool features.

Thanks I will definitely look into it.

Thanks for this as well. My 2 part doc will serve as personal and research notes for the video along with a forum post or rough draft for a book…

I watched 3 videos, roughly 3hrs worth of people sharing their experience writing a book, scientific paper and others using emacs org-mode a couple had no programming skills at all. Very powerful of course.

@eden Notion has some cool features as well. Especially for content creation. video link starts with notion

I have downloaded this app and it comes fairly well recommended so I’ll give it a try. I will definitely post updates on this as I create some content. I will definitely try emacs org-mode, vimnotes, and the ones recommended above. i’ll either post here or a new blog post on my experience with the tools

You can make a windowed shortcut in chrome to use Google Keep.

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