Note 5 vs 6p: which one lasts longer before slowing down?

Hello everyone,

I am a 16 year old Australian high school student with no job (yet) so buying a high end phone is a rare thing for me so I need one that will be able to last. The main thing that concerns me is overall slowdowns after time which i know will eventually happen to both but which lasts longer?. The 6p ($1000) has 3GB of ram and obviously has stock but the Note 5 ($1,200) has 4GB but has touchwiz (i'll probably install the apex or nova launcher and disable as many TW features as I can) and both have (different) 8 core processes. I've seen both in stores and both seem like great phones and both seem fast. I'm looking forward to buying one of these phone as soon as I can afford one and replace my HTC one V


Nexus 6P, why?

Bloatware, Samsung bloatware. Go for the nexus 6p, you get updates straight away and don't have to deal with the shitty bloatware that a Samsung has.

The nexus will last longer. It will get more updates and when it does end support will have bug free 3rd party support unlike Samsung.

Though with no job I'm not sure why you wouldn't go for a 5X instead.