Node - 3D Printed PC Case

Hi Everyone,


Im back with another project, the last version of this one fell flat on its face due to a number of reasons, but this is pretty much version 2.0 of this concept. The basic idea of this was to use 3D printing to create a case from scratch. The original version was a full scale, full tower. After getting some of the parts printed I started to find that there were some flaws with the plan, so I scrapped it and started from scratch. the new plan was to make this a robust and semi portable system that I can travel with to and from LAN parties.


I will be keeping both forum and video logs of the progress. Stay Tuned!


Concept Images

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If it is semi-portable, it would be nice to have a handle to carry it with. You might want to consider an ultra portable, mini-ITX version as well.


I'll give a bit of critique/advice just based on how I'd alter this design a bit:

  1. The shape of the vents might cause some turbulence with the capsule design. This will add a small amount of noise and depending on heat/fans used and might make the case louder than needed. Hexagonal or Circular vent holes will still have a lot of structural strength and might be quieter. I understand it's also an aesthetics thing so to each his own.
  2. Place the PSU on its side and behind the motherboard tray, with the intake facing the back panel (Obviously add some ventilation there). This will do a couple of things, it will make your case shorter, a tiny bit wider, would separate the CPU and GPU from the PSU and other components allowing them to run cooler, and depending on your PSU size may also give you room for 3.5 inch drives or other peripherals along the back plate.

Just what I would do, overall I like the shape and the concept behind this. Looking forward to seeing progress.

I think hex shaped holes would look better with this design anyway.

I like the shape he has going now, the slots make the case look unique and fairly slim & tall. Hex holes can make things look... like cheap tech at times because of how they're overused but since SFF are often difficult to remove heat buildup I think hexes or circular mesh would help keep noise down and reduce turbulance.

UPDATE 2B - Parts, Build and Posting

Hi Everyone,

So I know its been awhile since this last had an update, this was mainly due to putting the final touches on the model for printing, getting the logistics in place to get all of the final well as some interesting opportunities you will get to see in the coming days.

Anyway, onto the important stuff!

i7 4790k
Asus Z97I - mITX
Corsair Dominator Platinum 2133 Mhz
120GB Samsung 850 EVO
250GB Samsung 850 EVO
SilverStone SX600-G

Stay tuned in the coming weeks, things will be updating a lot more frequently.

Update! Now with Sponsors!

I want to thank Full Spectrum Laser for
offering their 3D printing and Laser cutting services to me, without
them this entire project would have come to a complete stop. Thanks
again guys! Be sure to check out their site:

About Full Spectrum Laser:
Founded in 2010 in a Las Vegas garage, Full Spectrum Laser ( and wholly-owned 3D printing subsidiary
FSL3D (, designs, manufactures, and sells a full range of consumer and industrial grade laser products and
3D Printers. As a highly-integrated company, FSL produces all electronics, software, mechanical hardware, and
chemistry in-house for the tightest integration of engineering disciplines. FSL creates superior price /
performance products through an emphasis on innovation and engineering excellence. The Company’s
product assembly, sales, customer support, logistics, and administrative groups are also in Las Vegas.

Looking forward to see how it turns out.

Bookmarked. GLHF can't wait to see the results