Title really says it all but I have rebuilt the VM a couple times trying to trouble shoot with no luck.
I have also plugged in an HDMI cable to the GPU(previously hooked up with DVI) and also gone into the XML file and set the GPU to the same slot, made sure multifunction was set to “on” and also made sure that the functions were all set correctly.
This is a build that I was hoping to have 2 gaming VMs working on but I need to get one running and 100% stable before I commit to purchasing an UnRaid key.
I have gone into Device Manager and made sure that all drivers were up to date and working…
I just have no idea what to do next.
Note: I have had VMs working on Fedora and PopOS in the past but I wanted to try UnRaid as an easy to deploy headless system. In that regard I am happy with it but this has to get fixed, otherwise I am going to downgrade to ITX and just run multiple ITX gaming machines in a small rack.