After installing Debian, I've had a ton of trouble with X. First there was no display, then the mouse wouldn't work, now the keyboard has no input. I have tried a ton of things, reconfiguring x, dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration (which doesn't list my keyboard, so I guess that doesn't work), and even deleting X and trying to start without it in hopes of a better configured xorg.conf. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Is your computer over 10 years old? Your using the wrong driver. You should have evdev installed (xserver-xorg-input-evdev), and it should be automatically detecting your mouse and keyboard without any configuration needed.
Reinstalling the latest testing version of Debian ( ) in a few hours. Will update!
You shouldn't need an xorg.conf (yours looks un-needed). See how it goes, I havent used Debian in a while, but it absolutely should pick up your mouse and keyboard without you needing to use anything other than evdev. and by use, i mean it should be installed by default, you shouldn't need to do anything at all.
This is a known bios/kernel issue with newer Clevo parts and linux.
As Clevo make parts for Sager/Alienware/Dell/FN/Hypersonic etc, there have been recalls across the enterprise landscape in the last year or so in my neck of the woods.
There is a kernel patch being pushed upstream with 3.19 as a workaround, but I wouldn't expect bios updates to resolve the issue, unless you had a dell - then you might be lucky.
Well after updating to a testing version, everything seemed to work well except the networking.. Wifi Card was not recognized at all. lspci picked it up but wlan0 and up weren't found.