Hi guys, i have a question.
I don't have any internet service just yet, I'm currently shopping.
market in my area is:
WOW! 500-Mbps down 50-Mbps up for $60 a month 2year
WOW! 100-Mbps down 10-Mbps up for $40 a month 2year
Xfinity 75-MBPS down 10-Mbps up for $40 a month 2year
Would something Like No-IP work for a gaming server? (Halo2 or more demanding games)
if it would id be 100% ok with WOW! 100-Mbps down 10-Mbps up for $40 a month 2year
really i would like to haggle for 100down 50 up for $40/mo or 50down 30up for $30 but these companies have a pretty tight grip on the area. so i dont think its possible.
but if i need a static IP the prices more than triples
@wendell occasionally talks about a pass through type thing you can do with a hosting serveice. would this be possible or would the middle man just bottelneck the whole thing?