Nginx Proxy Manager - Port forwarding UDP/1194 for OpenVPN - Connection failing

This is bit of an odd setup, but wondering if anyone has done this before or perhaps an expert with OpenVPN and/or nginx or just has a better idea in general. Is what I’m doing stoopid?

I have a site to site wireguard tunnel between my VPS and my house. The reason for this is so that if my internet flips to my secondary WAN which is T-Mobile 5G with CGNAT, I can still get remote access and the webhooks for OpenALPR still work. I’m Using Nginx PM “Streams” for that, so it literally just listens on the VPS side and then forwards it to an IP across the tunnel, pretty cool

The next thing I need to get working is my client VPN. I use OpenVPN in pfsense and I don’t really have much complaints. The speed is never an issue because I’m always connecting via mobile, or hotel wifi etc, which is never faster than the 200Mb~ limit I seem to hit with OpenVPN

I figured I could just forward 1194 UDP the same as the other thing, and have it “Just work”. But, it does not. It doesn’t seem to want to connect for some reason. Any ideas why? Logs are not very clear is a placeholder for my VPS IP, just replaced it in the log files

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] START CONNECTION

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] ----- OpenVPN Start -----
OpenVPN core 3.git::081bfebe ios arm64 64-bit

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] OpenVPN core 3.git::081bfebe ios arm64 64-bit

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] Frame=512/2048/512 mssfix-ctrl=1250

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] UNUSED OPTIONS
0 [persist-tun]
1 [persist-key]
3 [ncp-disable]
5 [tls-client]
8 [lport] [0]

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:41] EVENT: RESOLVE

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:42] Contacting [2605:7600:0:70:0:2:24f:36e]:1194 via UDP

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:42] EVENT: WAIT

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:42] Connecting to []:1194 (2605:7600:0:70:0:2:24f:36e) via UDPv6

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:52] Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:52] EVENT: RECONNECTING

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:52] Contacting via UDP

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:52] EVENT: WAIT

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:33:52] Connecting to []:1194 ( via UDPv4

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:34:02] Server poll timeout, trying next remote entry...

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:34:02] EVENT: RECONNECTING

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:34:02] Contacting [2605:7600:0:70:0:2:24f:36e]:1194 via UDP

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:34:02] EVENT: WAIT

[Sep 26, 2022, 19:34:02] Connecting to []:1194 (2605:7600:0:70:0:2:24f:36e) via UDPv6

Any ideas? I of course can set up a new client VPN, but it would be a lot easier if I could just use this existing VPN…