Nextcloud installation failure on truenas scale

I just today upgraded my Truenas to the Cobia train, since Bluefish did not get any more updates. And now Nextcloud and other installations are screwed, trying to get IPVS rr to the internal Kubernetes network on the system display. I would love to setup something more stable, maybe in a vm? But is there a good way to give the VM direct write permissions to the host opeparting system?

RN, my tasks and to do’s are probably beyond saving sadly, but I have all my files at least.

I was thinking of setting up a Ubuntu server instance with the premade application. But I was wondering if I can get the stored files directly into the Truenas files, not into the VM?

Install Debian in a VM and then install Nextcloud AIO. For storage you could use either a zfs volume or a network share, it is up to you.

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I ended up going with the ubuntu application in a VM
I was wondering if I could copy the Ix-applications files to from the Truebas B55-TUF backup to the systems (dawnbreak Pool1) Ix-applications folder?
That way I might be able to recover something? There is closer to 200GB of files on that backup folder.