So I’ve got a combination of Cat5e and Cat6a cables that are lying around the house and I’ve noticed several times with testing last night that I’m not getting anywhere near the appropriate speeds that I’m paying for since switching to a 1 Gig plan from ISP. I’ve always lacked in the networking department and would like to learn “More”, especially from the Guru’s of networking on here.
For now I’m starting small and I just want to improve my external download speeds as much as possible to get at least close enough to the max at what I’m paying for. I’m almost at a loss and want to keep trying!!
Mind you I’ve been a computer tech for quite some time and this Network interface component is driving me nuts…
Any help would be Fantastic…
Configs are below:
OS: Windows 10 Pro build 21h2
Current Mobo Configuration Asrock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming K4’s manufacturer website.
Network Interface: Realtek PCie GBE Family Controller
RAM: 32-64 GB of RAM, (Can’t recall configuration and manufacturer, will check later)
Current Router Configuration:Tenda AC1200
My network config:
PC is connected via Cat5e (25ft cable) to the Tenda Router, Tenda is connected from WAN from ISP router.
To do List:
I just upgraded my plan to the highest plan possible (1 Gig via co-ax from Breezeline )
I’ve tested frequently last night, updated my onboard Realtek PCie GBE Family controller, which still shows as version from 2017
I will probably need to clear the Realtek PCie GBE Family Controller Drivers and Install the updated drivers from Asrock (even though I did that already)
Test connection once more from the ISP router to my PC and confirm if its bottlenecked via Cable Category.
I plan to reboot all three devices this evening just to confirm, that I’m not crazy.