New Site: Feedback Welcome

Thanks for the feedback, everyone!


I don’t know why I don’t do something similar…

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Also… I have a great dislike for these scrolly sites (just personally preferance). Loads up… zero information.

Is the old rule of if its not on the top half of the page the user will ignore it* still a thing.

Grumpy me now finished. It’s nice and clean, and I just learned somthing.

*or something similar


since you are trying to add a blog, i would suggest having a nav bar. Also research better font styles to use.


+1 on scrolling sites. UI guys love it. it looks great when its a beautiful page. but i dont want to scroll for a minute just to see a few paragraphs

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Thank you for that, definitely noted! I am working on a Flat UI template that will have a top nav bar (may or may not scroll with page), and less scrolling overload. I was on the fence about it, and I sincerely appreciate your feedback on the matter!

10-4, it is in the works. I went with the basic/default template to get the content flowing. It’s a crappy excuse and I am playing catch-up, but it gives a sense of urgency that I have desperately needed.

Thank you again!

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Do you have these books? 5th edition worth the paper at all?

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W3 has decent templates i use for personal project :

if you want to learn how to make it just rewrite the code.


From what I understand it is against the rules to advertise, it’s not against the rules to ask for feedback.

As for the actual feedback, the basic layout looks nice. I’m not really into the whole UI thing, but a couple points I’d suggest would be have less scrolling. Pop in a dropdown menu or a table of contents or something and it’d be much nicer. Maybe a header or something.

As for the actual content, you might want to try variations in your sentence structure a little more. In the Zabbix post you start nineteen sentences with “I”. An English teacher I had in Middle School was always on my case about starting sentences with the same words.

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It’s also not against the rules to post what might be considered compeating content if your a standing member of the forum.

Blatent advertising for ad clicks is a no no.

I really dont think he can use this as advertisement . Plus if he is asking for an opinion thats why there are developers in this community

Yes, and yes! Those are from my personal collection. Absorbing all I can on Docker and Kubernetes, taking my RHCSA/RHCE in March, and the 5th Edition has a crazy amount of information. I mean, a crazy amount. It even goes into Devops/Lean practices regarding Systems Administrators and Containers. It’s an amazing desk reference.

Thanks for the link! I will definitely consider this.

The dropdown menu is pending, and I’m thinking about having a sidebar or navbar that scrolls with the page.

Thank you for the writing feedback. I’ve tried to do a pen to paper writing style with minimal editing to get my ideas “pen to paper”, so to speak. I am going to be more conscious of this.

I like simple…no scrolling is better. Also I use my phone as a hotspot and data use [loading pictures, video is worse] can be a problem monetarily.

Would you guys prefer seeing the latest post as the default homepage? My homepage is essentially reiterating what I say in the “About” section.

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Sooner than me.

Good to know, I had heard a couple of mixed reviews.

you could, it counts how you would like to use it… If you would like to see the blog first then i would just create a slideshow linking to recent posts or the ones you need quickly.

also dont be afraid to use codepen for ideas. i go there all the time for hackathons

Hacky fixed it :smiley: