My RBpi2 came in the post yesterday and boy was I glad!
Got a nifty armored case for it. With headsinks and everything.
Its ready for over clocking.
Here are the settings I used.
And then I proceeded to install an vsftp server, complete with web hosting on my local network. Boy this thing is awesome. I followed prababy the best guide I have found HANDS DOWN. ---> Link And this guide .
All in all I'm a happy camper :D
Whatcha going to do with it?
I edited it, I accidently posted too soon xD
August 4, 2015, 3:52pm
Cool, I'm going to get one soon hopefully. I'm going to learn all the GPIO stuff
I need to get myself a Raspberry Pi 2 soon as I'm still rocking the RPi Model B with its measly 700 MHz single-core processor and 512MBs of memory.
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That's the same one I have sitting next to my new one xD
However I did overclock it pretty heavily.
I was thinking about getting a few RPi2s and do something like this to them:
That's pretty awesome; I too would love to have a piCluster.
Where did you get the case? It's fantastic!
Thanks! ;-) I even found the same case on my country's amazon. Great!