New Pc

current running build



i'm looking at the above for Christmas though the price is a little higher than i would like at AU$1700 i have been up till now been using a laptop for gaming i7 4700MQ 2.4Ghz | 8GB Ram | Nvidia GT 745M

for overclocking hopefully a slight overclock for the CPU 

would like to play FarCry 4 / DAI / ACU on high settings

preferred but not exclusive vendor 

i have not built a desktop before and this'll be my first

revised on Beheeemoth advice

old - 

Less CPU, more GPU.

Get a 970 with a 4690k.

what would be better for the price?



PS. updated build

NH-D14, hands down.

Switch out that SSD.  Kingston's changed the flash in that, making it 2x slower than many SSDs on the market.

Also, if you're going to be accessing that hard drive a lot, I'd suggest going with a WD Blue or WD Black.  Greens have an incredibly high failure rate because they spin up and spin down frequently.  Seagates are alright as well.

That power supply is based off of a very poor design.  Overkill on wattage too, since your board doesn't support SLI.  Looking at, there isn't a great selection of power supplies.

A lot of your build doesn't seem to color match well.  I did a bit of reworking - see if you like it:


the re-working you did was nice

though the wireless and power adapter is not sold around here so i switched them

i like the black case over the white

your opinion of the power adapter? 

Power supply looks good after a little bit of research.

Looks pretty good now.

new revision

changed case because the need to take out HDD mounts to fit GPU

heard from people that the previous mobo had some firmware/support issues. changed to gigabyte

I believe the Define R4 has two hard drive bays, so you can just take out one and still have 3-4 hard drives mountable.

Gigabyte is fine, but it does kill the color matching a little bit.

it appears the power supply has been discontinued and is no longer available where i am. 

how is the Antec 620W High Current Gamer Modular PSU.?


or the 520W version

Antec 520W High Current Gamer



Both are good options.  The 520w will work just fine.