New Humble Software Bundle Has Something Interesting

So the software bundle is really cool. Sometimes it has useful tools, sometimes useless, sometimes you don't know what the hell you're even buying. Theres one name I know VERY VERY well in the bundle and I just wanted to point it out to anyone who was like "What the fuck is that".

Directory Opus! 12! I have DO12! It sure as shit doesn't look like that!

Heres the Windows Directory Opus:

And heres MY Directory Opus:

"But yours looks ugly. Is that some sorta linux version?"

NORP. That sir or madam (or turnip) is the Amiga version of Directory Opus. I will soon be playing with AROS again and making some posts about it. Not in Why In The World as thats for hardware. I dunno what to call it. But essentially AROS is the X86 version of AmigaOS 3.5 though with minor work you can get it up to 3.9 standards (to those familiar with Amiga). Amiga TLDR is an old awesome company that made some really sweet computers and the AmigaOS that ran on those machines.

They were ahead of their time and were easily modable and even the current amiga crowd today mods and uses their built up A1200's. A lot of that sorta stuff is super Niche but I still find awesome. For note, ALL amiga software is runable in AROS (this version / distro is icaros) and you could even run original BBS software on it. Bonus is you don't need anything great to run it. Pentium 3 600 MHZ and up and a display chip, not even a real GPU. This is running on my Dell Inspiron 1000 which is like the worst machine on the planet.

Anyways, I though that was hilarious. I didn't know they made a windows client but I want the old style client (for note the client I have is also version 12, the .1 is that it is 1 window because the window system can be confusing sometimes but thats for another thread another day).

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