New console killer build/videos?

I was going through some of the old videos here on Tek Syndicate and then I realized that there hasn't been a console killer build in aaaages, let alone one for the PS4/Xbone.


So what would you consider a good console killer build?


It doesn't have to include the CD/DVD drive because we basically do not use those anymore but it does have to include the OS, Mouse and Keyboard and a motherboard with WiFi.


Lets see some good builds! :)

Gaming machine with wifi? Dirty console peasants...

Usually all WiFi chips come with bluetooth so that's quite useful, plus you need to able to move the machine anywhere (i.e. lan party) and have it work (i.e. on the WiFi).

Usually/all is contradictory, bluetooth is helpful, but no serious gamer would use wireless anything due to latency, and inherent unreliability, not to mention batteries suck. They're called LAN parties because LAN. If you used Wifi, it would a WLAN party. If you really need your machine to work with at a LAN, you bring a trusty ol' ethernet cable, because WiFi is is subject to interference, lag/ping spikes, and a plethora of other issues that an ethernet cable isn't subject to. Switching from a PCI wireless card to a PCI to a 50ft ethernet cable, I noticed a 20ms difference in ping, and ping spikes were almost non-existent, which were a fairly common occurrence with Wifi. The kicker was only thing between me and the router was a bathroom, so I was no more than 15ft from the access point, so interference should have been minimal. Never went back.

I mainly made my comment in jest, but seriously, gaming over WiFi is a mistake unless you plan on playing something that saves frequently and isn't in real-time.


I see you have a bit of unnecessary hate in your life right there.

But anyway, to open up you closed mind may I add in that consoles aren't for pro gamers and console killer builds shouldn't necessarily be for pro gamers. They are for media consumption an casual gaming and such.

Hence bluetooth for controller or the bulkier keyboard/mouse option but also importantly for wireless music to be played through your speakers connected to your tv etc.

LAN=Local Area Network, so are you saying when i'm on WiFi i'm not local?

I do know what you mean though but all you have to do is open your eyes and see where it could be useful.

lol  ...  sick 'em B

When you assume, you make an ass out of you and me. When stating I have a closed mind, you assume that I don't play on console, which does have some truth, but I've been gaming on consoles since the days of NES. My first console was SNES, then I owned a PS2, then a PS3. The PS3 came out of my own pocket, and after that got stolen (I was an early adopter, so $650 down the drain) and given how expensive Rock Band was, amongst other games, I realized how much cheaper it was to throw in a cheap GPU in standard computer and game on PC. I've always been a bit of utilitarian when it comes to PC gaming, I started off with a hand-me-down Sony VAIO, which rocked a 1.4GHz Willamette Pentium 4 and a GeForce 6200 GPU. Then I got a Dell with a 2.8GHz dual-core; a wet-dream, until I realized it was a Pentium D 820 running the Netburst architecture. I slapped in 2GB of RAM and 4670 and it served me well, since I only a standard 18" monitor with no resolution. I frankenstiened the parts from both old computers when I got my then too-good-to-be true $100 quad-core Athlon II x4 630 and upgraded the GPU to a 5830. My current rig is still housed by a case that I got for $28 at Microcenter. My motherboard is a P67 chipset because it was maybe $10 cheaper, probably less, than an equivalent Z68, but I didn't foresee needing, or even wanting those features. iGPU? I'll have a graphics card - as long as I can overclock my CPU until it hurtz! The long-winded point I'm driving home is that I haven't been until very recently part of the "PC Gaming Master Race", I've always been just a cheap ass gamer, and, despite some niceties I've adopted such as a mechanical keyboard, decent sound set up, claw-grip mouse, I still have plenty of reminders where I came from: fans are zip-tied in place, still have a P67 board with a crapped out ethernet port, and the loud humming of fans because fuck it, they were $10 for a pack of 4.

While the gaming isn't necessarily professional, that doesn't mean there isn't competition. Fact is, gaming can be, and often is, very competitive regardless of platform. But even you are playing CoD MW1 on your rommates 360, ping spikes from wifi just ruined the experience. We literally ran a ethernet cable down from a window to get better ping and it worked wonders.

I have no idea where you were going with "wireless music", but wireless is a nicety that hinders performance. Wired controllers, you don't have to worry about having a clear line of site, charging you batteries. I have DS3 and DS4 controllers I use on my PC, and both have given me issues; buttons double register, taps registers as holds, sometimes it randomly disconnects. If you've ever played NBA2k14, where timing is critical, you can see how that would ruin the experience. Never had any of those issues over USB (except for physical disconnection because I moved to suddenly). On the flip side, The Wolf Among Us was quite enjoyable on a BT controller, but not a game you'd bring to a LAN party.

WLAN = Wireless Local Area Network, which means LAN assumes wired connection. If you are on Wifi, you are less local than wired connection, relatively speaking.

I'm not saying all the technologies I criticized aren't helpful, I'm saying they're less than ideal for the purpose of gaming. Now, this is very important in a "kill your console" build because it makes zero sense to build a computer that is suppose to surpass the console experience, but then adopts the technologies that make the console experience suck in the first place. Then that build doesn't kill the console, it merely side-steps it, or, at best, takes a small step forward.

Haha thanks Ratzzz, and jerm, i didn't even bother reading any of that bs man, I really don't care that much, thanks for ruining the thread aha.

It aint dead until Phantom says it is   lol

Good point haha.

Geeze this thread derailed quickly lol. Someone even wrote an essay.

Kinda on topic, has anyone heard anything about 3dprints of Valve's in house steam machine case? They said a while back that they would release specification for 3dprints, but I haven't seen anything.


how many times can you kill a console? are there new consoles? NO there isnt so why  make another kill your console video. technology move forward so anything that's any kind of upgrade from the last video is still a console killer. you can still build a computer for the same price of a console that will still be a console killer.

console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer console killer



Should be easy enough to make one with CAD if there isn't one released.

Calm your shit.

He asked for a kill your console update. Not for you to derail his thread about why you shouldn't use bluetooth or wifi. Wireless AC is 866.7Mbps with barly anymore lag than Ethernet, and Bluetooth has negligible input lag. 

And even so, These builds aren't ONLY for LAN parties (WLAN is included in LAN Classifications. LAN is not assumed to be Wired. It is not "Less" local. That's ridiculous. Ask any network admin.) They are also used at home, on the couch, where a wireless controller is preferred. 


So to get back to the actual thread, I decided to see what I could come up with under your requirements.

I think I managed to put together a solid build, capable of playing most games out there at reasonable settings and reasonable frame rates.

This is what I came up with originally.  A little bit over the $600 pricing before the rebates.  But I had forgotten that you also needed a OS to go with it.

So if you can't get an OS from somewhere else, I made just a couple of changes to fit it in.

I took out the cooler because this processor comes with a stock cooler.  It won't run anywhere near as cool, but if you don't overclock it, it should be fine.

I also downgraded the 270X to a 260X.  It's not as great, but it will still get you playing games better than the PS4 or the Xbone.  I personally own the Double Dissipation version of this card and it works great.  At 1080p, I get 60fps on Ultra for most games.  (Dota 2, Skyrim, Borderlands 2, etc.)  Though I don't have many of the recent titles, so I don't know how this'll work on those.

For the Mouse/Keyboard/Wireless card I wasn't sure what was good at the low end, so I just grabbed something.

I hope this was what you were looking for.  I'm sure that it could be improved, but I'm pretty happy with it as a kill your console pc.

Well I definitely wasn't expecting anyone to actually try build up one a console killer idea but here we are now!

Your build is pretty good! I'll have a better look tomorrow and i'll try dig up the one that I had :)

Well, I wasn't sure if I wanted to after all that mess up there.  But I really like the lower end kill your console pcs, so I just decided to go for it.

Thanks!  I'd be interested to see what else people can come up with in those requirements.  Having to include the OS really made things challenging.