Hi guys,
I am planning out my first gaming build. I already have my vid card, psu, ram, hdd and monitor. I have decided on a Thermaltake armor http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16811133154 and a q6600 but I am not sure on the mobo. I am looking at the Asus p5ql pro http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16813131329 but im not sure if that is the way to go. I do not plan on another vid card anytime soon so i only need one slot. Do you guys think this will be a good build?
Any suggestions on another mobo or anything else that you think needs to be changed would be greatly appreciated.
the cosmos s is still on sale right now really good quality case
I've only ever had one problem with asus mother boards *I've used them in three builds so far* and that was with the on board wireless internet, I don't think anyone who bought the board was able to get it to work.
other than that Asus has always proved to make awesome products. I don't think you can really go wrong at that price.
Asides from people who want to connect multiple video cards into one machine, or multiple Cpu's there's really no reason to spend over 150$ on a motherboard, just make sure it's from a reputable company (in which case asus is definitely so)
check the reviews to see if there is any re-peat complaints.
other than that, it looks like a nice mobo.
good luck with the build
Yeah I would love this case but, I wont have the money for mobo case and cpu until Christmas so...lol but thanks man
oh when it comes to connection multiple cards x48 is the best at it p45 boards are made for single card solutions
The reviews looked good and the only complaint was from a guy who had a underpowered psu. And i have always like Asus, very good stability and usually very good overclocking abilities. And btw to anyone who is thinking overkill for the case, I plan on building a new system in a few years and would like to just use this case again. Thanks for the responses guys!
the asus 750i motherboard or evga 750i FTW its a very good baord with out all the un needed enthusiast stuff of superior ocing but its fucking awesome