New Build: 9950x High utilization and not maxing out 4090

Got a strange thing going on. 9950x is showing high usage and GPU won’t max out in 4k. Haven’t seen this before.

Ctrl-shift-esc, sort process list by CPU usage. It’s going somewhere, find out where.

Of course, apparently Helldivers 2 is just kinda like that according to The Internet.

I think my problem with this new build is something deeper. Currently still troubleshooting why A2 slot isn’t working on Crosshair Hero x870e. So I am running only one stick of ram a1. I’ve tested each slot and only 3 will not boot. Secondly, I am getting strange errors with steam like failure to sync cloud data, just random stuff seems to be happening. I think perhaps I need to reinstall windows.

This can’t be right for CPU usage.

Try Populating A1 and B1 with RAM…

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Populating B1 will not post

*My bad I meant B1 long day

Well the 9950X is not really meant to be a gaming cpu in the first place.
So 90% utilization is pretty good actually.
You could try a more heavy graphical demanding game or tweak the settings.
Than it´s likely that you would see more like 95% utilization at 4k with a 4090.
But yeah it depends from game to game.

This is one of the reasons why for gaming the 9800X3D single ccd is kinda better,
at least in regards to pairing with a 4090.
But at 4K resolutions it really depends on the said game and graphical settings.
Certain games at 4K will be gpu limited even with a 4090 in that situation the cpu matters less so.
But there are also games in which the 4090 is still a little bit hold back with a non X3D chip.
However like i said 90% utilization is pretty good.

How the upcoming 9950X3D is going to perform is yet to be seen of course.
I still kinda expect it to perform slightly less compared to the single ccd 9800X3D,
because the infinity fabric will add some latency between both ccd´s.
However with the AMD driver it might improve a bit.
But yeah like i said the cpu´s are not on the marked yet.

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13900ks would see a constant 99% in HD2 for example. I still think there’s something going on here. I am currently troubleshooting mobo to see why the third slot is not working, which could mean possibly the CPU or Mobo needs replacing. Also, running in single channel could be the entire reason I see only about 90%.

If using two RAM sticks means your PC will not boot, you either have bad RAM or a bad Mobo.


So you’re running single channel memory, only using half the potential bandwidth and severely limiting CPU performance… This is the most likely culprit and I don’t think you should be looking further.

Try cleaning the ram slots and contacts on the modules (rubbing alcohol) and check the pins. Also try reseating the CPU and check the socket pins (bad contact with any of the pins that connect to RAM can also be the cause). If everything is clean and OK, but it still doesn’t work, some component is faulty. If the good stick doesn’t work in other slots, it’s the motherboard, otherwise it’s the other stick.