Networking Question?

I’m working on a ghetto mesh system. Say I have two AP’s with dual band 2.4 ghz and 5 ghz bands. Could I potentially use the 5ghz band for AP to AP communicates and the 2.4 ghz band for AP to End Device communication. Would this make the network less cluttered because the data from the router would be sent through the higher frequency band??? FIXED

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is this a question? I don't see a question mark...
(depending on your ap, you may not be able to use 5GHz and 2.4GHz at the same time.)

You could, but your access layer will be still trashed. Why not use a wire between ap?

I'm going to make an AP PCB thingiemabobbi and have two separate adapters.

thats cool, know that 5GHz while not affected by your typical wifi's it will be affected more by physical bodies. (trees, walls etc)

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That is something to consider. Thank you for answering my question. :smiley:

I do believe some APs do allow ad hoc connections between them for mesh connections.

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I'll research that.
I was considering doing this but I didn't want to blow up my house.