Quick question for all Kiwi's on the forums:I am going to be in New Zealand next month and heard you guys just got Netflix down there. Are the speeds any good or is it buffering constantly? For that matter, how good is the internet in general down there? I know Australia is supposed to be horrible. Curious as to whether my need for fast internet will be torturous or not when down there. Otherwise, really excited to go!
I dont use netflix, but the internet it depends on where you are in NZ. the net can be alright some place's and really bad in others
Netflix in NZ not that great I imagine. If you are moving here some ISPs (mainly callplus) have 'global mode' which bypasses region blocking. Expect internet in major urban settlements to be ADSL2+ minimum (upto 16mbps down and 1up), many people in urban areas can get VDSL2+, expect upto 50mbps down and 10mbps up.
UFB is being rolled out, with UFB you can get upto 200MBps down and 100Mbps up. This will cost about 80USD a month and is unmetered. In NZ you can get unmetered internet in all major settlements. You can see UFB rollout on the chorus website, google 'UFB chorus map'. Many of the smaller settlements have almost completed their UFB rollout.
Thanks for the info. I'm not moving to NZ this is just a vacation. I'll have to figure out which parts have OK speeds.
I remember when taking a vacation actually meant unplugging from the Internet. Now-a-days, kids complain if Internet speeds aren't the best while vacationing at a resort, RV park, etc.
I plan to unplug for a few days but at the same time I still need to respond to work related emails and keep in touch with a few friends of mine. Will definitely not be glued to a computer while down there.
I recently had a problem accessing my U.S. Netflix account while in Canada. I think there are some kind of licensing issues with using an account across borders. It eventually started working mysteriously after a couple of days of being shut out - I don't know why. Though it was stopping the videos every 10 minutes to reload which may have just been the connection (7Mb/s).
I found this article which may shed some light on it: