So I've been having this problem lately - I get random green/purple whatever dots and just random nonsense on my screen, mainly videos and program icons, this seems to happen when a program crashes (I've had this problem after CS:GO crashing for example).And also almost any program I launch crashes immediately. I'm not completely sure that it's a GPU problem, but I think it probably is. So yeah, I'd really appreciate any help or advice.
Here are some screenshots :,yq34mDe#0,yq34mDe#1
It would help greatly if you could post your system specs.
Because it may be a hardware problem. And say if you have overclocked anything, GPU, CPU, RAM etc., because that would help a lot for solving this kind of problem.
But, it would seem that it's a driver crash or a GPU overheating problem. But we'll need the system specs.
Yeah. Although I think its a driver problem, bc it occurs is certain areas during different applications. So a quick un-installation of your gpu drivers then a re-installation might fix things. IF you're using AMD then I did notice this on the older drivers for my card. When I updated everything worked just fine. Make sure you uninstall the drivers correctly, and there's a link in the forum somewhere for the software for that.
Provided you have done the obvious 1st port of call - clean install of drivers.
- if graphical artifacts @ idle in desktop then GPU is nerfed
- if graphical artifacts only when loaded - psu or gpu at fault
Oh, right the specs :
CPU - Phenom 955BE (I barely overclocked it to 3.5Ghz @1.3750V) running 50*C max while gaming
GPU - Sapphire r7 260x 1gb 14.12 Omega driver. I've had it running at like 1100Mhz, but knocked it down to stock 1150Mhz to see if that's the problem, about 60*C max when gaming.
MOBO - Gigabyte GA 78LMT-USB3
PSU - Corsair CX430
So yeah, this only seems to be happening when a game crashes on me, I've had this problem after CS:GO, KSP crashing and I need to restart the PC to fix it. And this started happening like a week ago, so a recent problem and it happened maybe 3 times so far. Ok, I guess I'll re-install my drivers and post.