A bit of a longshot but i’ve been trying to replace Windows with Linux for a while now and i’ve managed mostly good but now i am stuck. For work we need to use Citrix Workspace to remote into a virtual desktop. In windows this works flawlessly but with Linux and more specifically Pop_Os!, i get this error:
How can i add this CA to my trust store? I’ve tried to download the certificate manually from godaddy and the importing it via the ‘update-ca-certificates’ command but it still complains about the certificate so i’ve probably screwed something up somewhere.
Any help or guidance would be appreciated, thanks!
I have done this step, i’ve downloaded “GoDaddy Class 2 Certification Authority Root Certificate - G2” and imported it to my root store by placing the certificate in ‘/usr/local/share/ca-certificates’ and then running ‘sudo update-ca-certificates’. I still get the error message though.