Need help choosing case and psu

Hi I really need help finding the right case and psu for my build thks :).... my specs are intel i5 4690k, asus maximus z97 vii hero, g.skill ripjaws x 16gb, samsung 850 evo 250gb, corsair h100i, gigabyte gtx 970. (What psu/wattage should I get for it and what case should I get) For the case my budget is anything $100 or less and for the psu it is $120 and less. Thank you

Well, Case is really subjective, so that would depend on what style you like? clean looking, aggressive, the phantom cases? do you want a window or do you not care? This is a really good quality PSU on sale right now, it's a bit overkill, but then you got the opertunity to upgrade card, or get a 2nd 970 to SLI later on.

what kind of case do you like the look of?

i went for an antec 300 just because i liked the look more than the others at the time (its not a great case if im honest and its rammed. ill take a pic in a min with case off)


I kind of just like regular all black cases. I don't really like the real shiny/fancy looking cases