Need front panel pinout

I have a Lenovo ThinkCentre M91p Q67 IS6XM motherboard for a new build. I looked on the Lenovo website and have not been able to find the pinout layout for power, power LED, etc. Does anyone have one of these to tell me what goes where? Either that, if you could point me to where I can find the proper pinout would be great too.


this is the closest I've found to a pinout for that board

I assume the red blocks are for the power button and green for leds

basicly only leds are polerized (+ / - ) sensitive.
power and reset switches arent.

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Thank you both. I might give that a try, but there are 13 pins in the f_panel area of my board. Thanks for the diagram though. :-)

13 pins because it probably includes the speaker, which only uses two pins for power but four physical pins in 1x4 configuration.