Need Community Help for Project, Flatpak User Inquiry, Software compatability

I need feedback for a project i am undertaking.

Flatpak users, Which package/ applications do you currently run in Flatpaks that do not function properly. For example :

A KeePassXC flatpak cannot talk to a Browser Flatpak (Firefox, Chromium etc.)
Blender Flatpak cannot talk to Krita Flatpak

I need the communities help to identify these pain points with flatpaks. My project revolves around Portals and Flatpak usage. Flatpaks cannot spawn applications because of it’s nature without work a around, but Portals offers a potential solution here. List your software below. I have listed 5.


Abiword (The flatpak does not interact with spell checkers on the system)

Darktable flatpak without support for Canon .cr3 raw files.

Does the .rpm or .deb file support the Canon .cr3 files? Or just the Flatpak ?

Fedora stumbles over legalese and doesn’t add cr3 file type support to their rpms.
In Fedora 38, the flatpak did provide this support, but after upgrading to Fedora 39, the old issue is back.
Because I know that Fedora ships its own remote I went ahead and added the official Flathub repository as a system-wide installation.
Unfortunately, this is where I am stuck at this point.

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I think that’s a bug, The Flathub repo should work for you. Either way, i will post it up in the Flathub forum too. I do not have a .cr3 file to test with so i might reach out to you on Matrix or here something when I get that far.

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