Need advice about laptop/tablet under linux purchase. SP3 + Ubuntu or it s outdated?

Hello all,

Thinking since a long time about buying a tablet/laptop and wanting to do it with Linux. But what to buy?

Hardware may turn a Linux install to nightmare from what I remember on some desktop I built couple years ago mostly on Debian (More strict Distro than many others, I know, but sticking to it from being used to my servers always running it..). So I m here for all your good and fresh advice ;)
Surface Pro 3 + Ubuntu seem a nice mix but maybe outdated by now.

Small explanation of what I seek:
I will use it for easy web browsing, reading, writing, watching videos and the like.
Nothing heavy (photoshop, gaming, etc) I am keeping my desktop computers for that. It really is for mobile option while in travel time or at friends houses.
I like the tablet touchscreen feel and use. But I can't enjoy something without USB/network and a true OS to handpick my software (and not only app store things....).
Linux because I m not a fan of Win10 and only use it on desktop when needed. But willing to go back to Linux (even if after many years away from it, I will call myself novice-ish about it)

All of this said (hopefully in a not boring and easy to read way :D ), I had my eyes on the Surface Pro 3, from old Wendell video of linux install, and fat that it seems a good hardware for a kind of tablet/laptop hybrid.
May select Surface Pro 4 instead... or some other very good one.

So to repeat myself about the purpose of my post. I m trying to find advice about my best options to select a tablet-laptop product that will be smooth and nice to use with Linux (Ubuntu?).

PS: sorry if writing badly at times, I enjoy lurking Tek videos and forums a little but as a distant french guy, not at my best when writing in English. Don't mind being told I do it badly, if made to improve both the post and my future writing :D
Sorry as well if poorly chosen category, wasn't sure between Linux and Tablet/Laptop ...

Tablets are now the tricky device. Laptos aren't too bad stay away from broadcom and killer nics or be prepared to replace it. Some laptops have touch pads that are weird but most realtech stuff fine.

NVIDA hybrid graphics will need bumblebee or primus so you can swap back and forth between NVIDA and Intel graphics.

Intel NICs and graphics are open source so they work out of the box. AMD drivers work well with open source drivers but if you want to game you may want to install the proprietary drivers.

Tablets you will have to chech each one. A bunch have locked down boot loaders or some strange tpuch streen or network drivers. The surface pro 3 can run Ubuntu but you will have to compile your own kernel. X86 tablet have a better chance of working over ARM.

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Dell's XPS 13 is available in a Developer Edition which comes with Ubuntu by default.
If you don't like Ubuntu, Dell has made all the necessary stuff and drivers to get it running available in upstream I believe last year. So this should pretty much work with any distro that is somewhat recent.
If you want to use the SP3, watch Wendells video on it for sure.