Need 775 Socket CPU (Preferably Q6600)

Can buy but more willing to trade some things.. Money would take time. PM me to iron out details or find me in IRC if you happen to have one of these, or anything 775 that is decent.

Twitch said:

Can buy but more willing to trade some things.. Money would take time. PM me to iron out details or find me in IRC if you happen to have one of these, or anything 775 that is decent. it's the Intel Core 2 Quad Q8300

Yeah but that's too much.. Like, I don't have the money on hand to just buy, I would like to set up increments over time with someone (Which I am good for, you can ask mickey, I'm just stupid poor most of the time trying to pay car and internet.), or possibly trade some PC parts I have laying around.

Hell I woulda given you my Q6600 had I known youd've needed it.

I didn't think I would need it, my brother is gonna try getting into PC gaming so I've come in need of computer parts.

I got a Q6600

year old thread, they imported RTW's old theads so you got to check those dates
