[NECRO] Ready Player One

This one book ALL GAMERS should read.

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Youtube Review by Happy Consle Gamer

I read this one about 2 months ago. It was a really good read, especially for old school gamers like myself. 

Been sort of looking at this book now and then, but the often-lauded "gaming connection" keeps turning me away from it... How forced and prevalent is the whole 'OMG Videogames!!' angle? Does the book stand on its own without that premise (are the events, characters, writing self-sufficient or heavily reliant on it)?

Anyone fond of geek culture should enjoy the book. 80s media (i.e. movies, videogames, etc) plays a big part. It gets a bit hokie in parts but it's a fun ride. I got the the audiobook from Audible. It's narrated by Wil Wheaton. It's worth checking out. I was disappointed that it had to end.

This has to be the best book ive read in along time


I read this book. It is completely amazing, and is going to be a movie directed by Steven Spielberg!

Damn I have it on my nightstand from my birthday this year and I have not read it… Yet.
