and upscaled it to 1402x1604 (977.0kb) almost 6/7 times bigger than original!
Details were preserved fairly good. Took me 3 trys to hit the 1500x1500, which I then cropped around 400 kb and ran it again.
only downside is that the max upscale resolution is 1500x1500. Can’t wait for the day where this becomes a plugin for gimp.
Could be cool if it allowed for multiple images to be uploaded at once, towards the end I wasted more time on the captcha than physically looking and uploading the file
If I could recover my hours I should have cropped it before, as I could have gotten more details. Might try it again another time
yeah thought the link would open to the page, for whatever reason HTTPS everywhere with blocking unencrypted requests and discourse doesn’t really like the website.
Shame it doesn’t have a preview of
Single-Image Super-Resolution for Anime-Style Art using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. And it supports photo.
Maybe the algorythm works best when the original picture already is vector graphicy. As an experiment you could try to edit the image to use like 4 colours or to change contrast up or down. I’ll put this on my list of stuff to try next week.
tl;dr find highest split size your system can handle, and use anything > 10 for batch size if you are using a 2070.
it’s possible that the extra settings are for people with hardware that don’t have as much compute?
If someone understands japanese and coding they can translate the readme file with how processing speed is affected by split and batch size. Would save everyone a lot of time.
Also this tool being on github also makes some interesting personal projects like
making an model only for learning a specific artist/author
just a test data gather. This wasn’t super scientific. I didn’t really control for outside variables (was watching youtube in the background).
If I have more time, I would write a script that would make this better and I might consider writing a blog post on this.
//psuedo code of how the script would work
batch size array [x,y]
for x=1; x<21 x++
waifu2x --settings //all custom settings
textOutputLibrary -find "Processing time:", copy all numbers after text to variable
save text variable y in to array[x,y]
export batchsize array to a spreadsheet with date and time and test settings as title